Monday 27 June 2011

Tom Cruise's height like it's the next big scandal

Tom Cruise Height
People talk and speculate about Tom Cruise's height like it's the next big scandal.  The Cruise height scandal seems to be synonymous with any news about the famous actor.  While Tom's stature may be below average, his career is not.  Tom Cruise has appeared on many influential lists throughout his career, and yet twenty plus years later, Tom Cruise height is still a hot issue.
According to IMDb, the official Tom Cruise height is 5'7.72”.  This is about two inches below the average height for a man.  Tom could the poster boy for short men.  Despite his short stature, Tom has been involved with beautiful women including ex-wife Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, and current wife Katie Holmes.  All three of these women are all taller than Tom Cruise.
Tom Cruise Height The Tom height issue definitely did not influence People magazine, which named him the sexiest man alive.  Entertainment Weekly and Premier magazine could not be persuaded either.  Both magazines ranked him 31st and 3rd for greatest movie star of all time respectively. Tom Cruise was also not a factor for VH1.  He was honored at number 18 of the hottest hotties list.
Tom Cruise Height Tom Cruise height followers can be found all over the Internet as they post pictures trying to decipher how he manages to appear taller in pictures.  There are several theories on the Tom height issue.  The first is that Tom has lifts in his shoes.  One company that makes lifts has even gone so far as to strongly suggest that Tom Cruise uses their product.
Tom Cruise Height Another Cruise height theory is that he is simply a master of illusion.  Katie Holmes, his current wife, is 2 inches taller than him without shoes. Katie likes to wear 3-4 inch heels, which she refuses to stop wearing.  Fans have noticed that Tom is a fan of taking pictures on stairs with his wife.  He usually stands a few stairs up from her in order to even out the obvious height difference.  His previous wife, Nicole Kidman, simply chose to wear flats when hitting the town with Tom.
The Tom Cruise height issue has also affected Cameron Diaz, his co-star in the movie Knight and Day.  Pictures of the two of them at the premier show a slouching Cameron and a pair of one-inch heels on Tom's shoes to even out the height difference.
Tom Cruise Height Despite the debate over Cruise height, his talent cannot be ignored.  He has been a successful actor, and one of the best paid of all time.  Tom Cruise has stood the test of time, and has remained a Hollywood superstar for more than 20 years. 
Tom Cruise Height
Tom Cruise, a famous Hollywood actor. His complete name is Thomas Cruise and he was born on third July 1962. He is actually an actor as well as producer of American film industry. He was nominated for three different Academy awards and he had also won Golden Globe award three times. He had acted in a film Risky Business as a lead actor. This was a career maker for this actor.
Second successful film by this actor was Top Gun. He has also acted as secret agent in the series of movies known as Mission Impossible. Apart from these kinds of successful movies he had also acted in lots of other well-known movies of Hollywood. From long time, he has been given a charge of United Artists studio for films. There Tom is working as a producer.
Tom Cruise's birth city is Syracuse of New York. Her mother was a teacher and father was an electrical engineer by profession. He got his surname from his grandfather.
If you look at the history part then you can see that he was really born in poverty area and he was from Catholic family. Even his father has also beaten him many times. Now when the question comes, what is tom cruise height, then what should be your answer? You can find lots of rumors regarding the same on the Internet. Because of some close resources you can surely get the perfect measurement of his height. It is actually 172 cms. If you look at his image on Internet or in some magazine then you can surely get the idea about tom cruise height. You can see that even his height is lesser then his wife. But, in picture it is seen that he looks taller than her wife. So, how it could be possible? During his career or his complete film life, there were many rumors spread regarding his height. Even if you search properly or read some older magazine you can get the detailed information about the same controversy. Some of the people are having a doubt that he is wearing Taller Heels. But, we need to make sure that weather he is really wearing same or not? The company itself is not ready to provide this judgment that he is wearing it or not. So, it is totally up to us to judge that Tom Cruise is wearing Taller Hills or not.

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